Monday, 21 March 2016



The Human body has an inmate ability to itself,cure vital force promotes self cleansing, self repair and therefore self health.This Process can be achieved by focusing on immune,hormonal,nervous and detoxification,elimination system of the body.Once these system are balance and highly co-ordinated then only human health is restored.

In the modern day,we are exposed to increased toxin effect due to highly polluted environments,bad eating habits and odd sleeping rest,lack of exercise,increased use of drug and medicines,great mental and physical strain etc. All leading to weak immune system, detoxification, elimination system resulting in over-all poor health. To over come this decay in health,"HYDRO-53 HERBAL WATER" is God gifted natural medicated combination of herb. Removing all toxin material from the human body through elimination system from each cell. It is well known that natural medicine has been the primary medicine used by most of the human community even into the 21 century. Herbal and traditional natural medicated combination of herbs. Primary medical choice of over 65% of humanity. ,"HYDRO-53 HERBAL WATER has excellent effects in maintaining the health in total . It not only improves one's constitution, but also strengthens the immune system, Over all health and longvity of healthy life. It help in normalizing function of various organs of the Body by effecting all the body cell and makes a person bio-Chemically,Physically,Mentally,Socially,and Spritully healthy long life. It is a wonderful medicine to achieve the goal of a good and sound health by detoxification of each cell of body. Since this only detoxifies,your body,a patient is advised to continue his normal allopathic medicine along with this till he finds improvement in his sickness and slowly reduce medicines in consultation with his doctor. In fact we have not left any stone unturned in manufacturing this product. At the harmony of the human being, apart from cost and creed. The medicine can be used by any one without any tear and fear.

We have developed a herbal water for human health. Our herbal water improves/upgrade upto the generation of cells related to;
Lever, Kidney & Metabolic functions. Upon these three systems, improves ones immune system & detoxification level rises and the body is highly bio-chemically balanced and enters in self-cleansing, self-healing and then self-cure and then re-generation of cells starts.
If one is suffering with any chronic disease & is taking allopathic treatment, he should continue & check the level every 90 days bio-chemically and reduce the medicine accordingly.

The medicine is 110% safe and having no side-effect


Contains of Medicine and Health Benefit : 
1.Alkaloids - Act on a diversity of metabolism system in human body
2.Flavonids - Anti - allergic ,, - inflammatory Anti - microbial
3.Glycosides - Analgesic, Antipyretic, Anti flammatory.
.Proteins - Structure and Function of all living cell, muscle, cartilage, ligaments, skin and hair.
5.Carbohydrates - Energy.
6.FAT (Fixed oil) - Reserves energy for the body.
7.Free sugar - Help in Plasma, proteins, harmones and enzymes.
8.Amino Acid - Helps in synthesis of hemoglobin. ESSENTIAL for Growth & maintenance of life.
9.SAPONINS - Lowering the body's over all level of cholesterol, antioxidant, improve immune system.
10.Triter Penes - Promoting a wound healing and anti scarring property.
11.Tannin - Help in production of vitamin-D.
12.Sodium - Maintains a balance of water in body fluids & tissues help adrenal glands.
13.Potassium - Help in hypertension, blood pressure and heart function.
14.Magnesium - Upgrades heart health, strengthen and formations of bones and teeth.
15.Iron - Increases hemoglobin and muscle protein, transport oxygen to our each body cell.
16.Phosphate - Transmission of nerve impulses. Help kidneys excreting water.
17.Chloride - Contribute to maintain osmotic pressure, acid base balance, muscular activity and movement of water between fluid compartment.
18.Vitamin-K - Improve the function of pancreas.
19.Vitamin-C - Antioxidant, responsible for holding body cell together, improve immune system, keep your gum healthy.
20.Gallic Acid - Antifungal and antiviral properties, protect body cell agents oxidative damage.
21.Succinic acid - Compensate for energy drain in the body and brain, boosting awareness, concentration and reflexes and reducing stress.
22.Chebulinic Acid - Strengthens cardio, vascullar contraction.
23.Mucilage - Important natto characteristics.
24. Phosphoric Acid - Help in Orthodontics and anti nausea medications.
25.Nicotinic Acid - Participates in more than 50 metabolic functions help in detoxification functions, production of sex and adrenal harmones.
26.Ellagic acid - Help in replacing dying body cell with healthy one's.
27.Linoleic acid - Maintaining balance of essential fatty acid in body.
28.Oleci Acid - Mexewell and Microfacial improvement of body.
29.Beta sitosteral - Helpful in urological problems.
30.Manitol - Ultimate cleanser of the body toxic substance.
31 Oxalic acid - Great antioxidant. 

Treatments :-

 When can I expect Results :- 
(a)          Scanning              -              1-30 days, 
(b)          Cleansing of three system           -              30-90 days 
(c)           Detoxification of three system -              90-180 days 
(d)          Balancing & coordination. between three of them system          -              180-270 days 
(e)          Building of white blood cell       -              270-350 days 
(f)           Regeneration of cell      -              1 to 3 years.  
Effecting time 7/15 days.
Every one should take double the water with medicine always.If any one suffering from BP/Sugar, divide the dosage thrice or four time daily equally. Dosage starts from 100 ml. twice or thrice times daily.If any one suffering from stone problem in any part of body dosages starts from 100 ml. twice or thrice daily.B.P., Sugar & Stone patient get relief from Allopathic medicine after Cleansing of three system              -              30-90 days.

Chronic patient get relief from Allopathic medicine after Detoxification of three system                -              105 days.If one is taking EXTRA TOXICATION like Smoking and Drinking & etc. etc. Dosage will directly starts from thrice or four times daily.Dosage are liable to decline as per the improvement of three systems of the body.The medicine will be supplied at your door step, except first time the courrier charges will be at par.

Saturday, 19 March 2016


For over 60 years, SAIF CHEM LAB has been committed to positively changing people's lives with nutrition products that support a healthy, active lifestyle.


Body confidence: rules to help you feel good

Let’s talk about how to build all-over body-confidence! how they go hand in hand, and what we need to do to stay confident. Most people battle with low self-esteem and body confidence at some point in life.  Perhaps we wish our skin was clearer, or that our stomach was flatter, or our nose was smaller, or maybe we wish we were taller/shorter.  These feelings apply to both men and women.
There are mornings when people stand in front of a mirror looking at thereself.  they check out there arms,  stomach and even  butt, and if they already feeling low, they can start to feel worse.
Let’s face it, the things that bother us the most are the things that no one else would ever notice about us.  However, when we do work on ourselves and we see change, our confidence starts to build.  Little things can make a huge impact.No one needs a daily reminder of something that might make them feel bad for no reason. Everyone has different concerns, but we all have the power to improve how we view ourselves.

Self-image and self-confidence go hand in hand

Body confidence rule 1: Be realistic!

Enough reminders of past fashion! Whatever the case, let’s admit it once and for all; we really do look better now than we did then! And if you aren’t sure, show an old picture of yourself to someone a decade younger than you.  I showed my kids a picture of me rocking a once-trendy outfit and – love ‘em – they burst out laughing.  Let’s romanticize the future, not the past!

Body confidence rule 2: Focus on the positive!

You know that feeling you get when someone randomly tells you that they love your shoes, or think your hair looks great?  Or when someone asks, “Have you been working out?”   Think about how you feel in those moments.  We all have many positive attributes but sometimes just one, self-perceived, negative overrules the many positives.
Let’s change our focus: look in the mirror and what do you see?  Focus on the good things.  Do you have nice shiny hair, sparkly eyes, beautiful white teeth, toned abs or glowing skin?  Compliment yourself on what you love about you each and every day.  And own it!

Body confidence rule 3: Change is good.

If you want to change something about yourself, do it sooner than later.  If it’s your hair, try a new cut.  If you’re losing your hair and it’s making you insecure, get rid of it.  I know it’s difficult, but Taye Diggs, Jason Statham, Vin Diesel and Pitbull are all bald and they exude self- confidence.   And hey, even yours truly was bald for a few years.  Gentlemen, trust me, bald can be very cool.

Worried about your weight?  Today is the day to make a change.Try SAIF SLIM POWDER AND CAPSULES  to help get you started.  The sooner you get started on making a change, the sooner you will start feeling better about yourself!
Remember, beauty is found in the eye of the beholder not on the pages of a fashion magazine. Throw your shoulders back, stand up tall, lift your chin up and smile.  Love yourself, love your family and love your friends.  Compliment yourself and others every day and be confident in who you are.  Self-confidence exudes positivity.  Today is the day to make a change for the better.
A positive self-image equals self-confidence!